Saturday, April 27, 2013

Universal Law- The Law of Attraction:

I have been on a real roller coaster of emotions again lately; I lovingly refer to it as my caterpillar/butterfly phase because I find myself closing down, withdrawing from the external stuff and quietly retreating inside of my "cocoon" until I feel like my wings are formed and dry and ready to help me soar.

It's not just about evaluating myself anymore; although that remains priority number one, because I am the only person I can change, afterall; but also really taking note of the people I allow to share my life and my energy with. I am waking up more and more to people who, although they may mean well, are not really about anything more than just a bunch of empty talking, pretending to be for me, when the reality is they really are so self absorbed that I am not sure they can see light from the place where their head is stuck. :/  It's okay though, because as I become aware of who those people are, I can begin to re-establish my energy away from them and see them for who they just are. It's also about recognizing the energy suckers in our lives, the people who dwell in such low vibrations of their own that they feel the need to drag the rest of us down to their level; misery loves company.
 Maya Angelou says it best: "When people show you who they are; Believe them."  It's so easy to blind ourselves to truth when it stings our eyes, but how do we truly grow if we don't just open them and stare boldly in?

I'm finding this amazing peacefulness inside more and more in reference to these above mentioned people; I'm finding that I am giving myself permission more and more to just let go;  and let God. I'm finding it easier to just release "relationships" these days, that has never been an easy task for me before, so I can feel progress happening and that is truly a beautiful thing. I've been guilty of holding on when there was really no good reason to, and the lesson I have learned is that when a circumstance or person runs their course just listen to that little voice that reveals the truth to you and as NIKE said, "JUST DO IT", just let go.

We are in the process of an energy shift in the universe; a time when it's more important than ever how and where we direct our own energies, which is yet another reason to give yourself permission to break free from people, situations and experiences that are not conducive to well being and uplifting of your vibration. The Law of Attraction states that like thoughts attract like thoughts, what we focus energy on manifests itself and becomes reality in our lives;  in essence we create so much of what we experience just by the amount of energy we give it.

Let that marinate for a moment...

Where attention goes, so energy flows. Time to ask ourselves what we are paying our attention to and if we're getting the best deal. ;)

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