Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Gold Xperience: Day 2 & 3 of 30-

The Gold Xperience: Day 2 & 3 of 30-: I have to play catch up a bit because I didn't write last night when I got home from work like I said I would. So I will cover yes...

Day 2 & 3 of 30-

I have to play catch up a bit because I didn't write last night when I got home from work like I said I would. So I will cover yesterday and today in this post. :)

When I woke up yesterday morning, the sun was shining again, birds were singing outside the apartment, and just very simply; I woke up! That in and of itself means everything, right? I bought PINK tickets for her concert on my birthday, which excited me beyond belief! Funny story behind that, I was looking into her tour dates because I have wanted to see PINK in concert since she hit the music scene, but every date was sold out that was even remotely close to me. I spoke the words out loud to an associate that it was on my bucket list of things to do before I die, and I left it at that. Two days later, I was checking my email and recieved an email update from the Bradley Center in Milwaukee for upcoming concerts and events; there it was just as bold as ever, PINK had added dates to her tour because of the incredible demand for her tickets and she is going to be in Milwaukee on my BIRTHDAY!!! I took all of this as a sign, I saw it as something I drew to me because I was so focused and passionate about wanting to see her in concert and I put out so much emotional energy on it that the Universe had to deliver if this whole Law of Attraction thing is true, right?

Today, well first of all, HAPPY EASTER to you and yours. I was supposed to be spending the day with my baby brother and his family but instead ended up on the side of the road in a car that didn't want to get me anywhere at that point. I started to go into melt-down mode, but instead I called my bestie and told him what was going on and he was on his way to rescue me from an hour away on Easter Sunday. I wasn't alone when it all happened, I had my amazing friend lesha with me, so her sister was kind enough to come get us back to my house and get her home for Easter with her family. Two nice men helped us push the car out of harms way, and stayed with us until our ride arrived. My baby brother played a part too, and once again, instead of resorting to old panic/stress mode, I stayed grounded with a little help ;)

The car isn't 100% yet, but it will be, I have Faith. Jesus died and rose again, so I have no reason to believe in anything but Faith. Thank you Lord for your love and your guidance in my life; thank you for all those you place in my path to propel me forward, make me stronger, offer me love and support when I need it, and just overall to look out for me when I am in need. I am truly blessed indeed!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Gold Xperience: DAY 1 of 30

The Gold Xperience: DAY 1 of 30: My 30 day Experiement with THE SECRET: Have you read or heard about The Secret? If not, I highly suggest you just take some time and c...

DAY 1 of 30

My 30 day Experiement with THE SECRET:

Have you read or heard about The Secret? If not, I highly suggest you just take some time and check it's worth finding out about. I have been in a real shitty cycle in my life for too long it feels like, and I have decided to really, with concerted effort, put forth the work to put the Law of Attraction to the test in my life.

I want to state my intent here on this page; I want to commit to a life change and be more faithful than I have ever been with anything. I really want to rise to this experiment with the Universe and prove to myself beyond anymore reasonable doubt that I am as powerfully part of God as  He and She are a  part of Me. I KNOW it, I feel it, but yet I still falter and lose my step now and then, I want to be FAITHFULLY COMMITTED to changing my life for the better with the power of my thoughts and the focus of my energy.

It’s Spring time, it’s a season of newness and growth, so what better time to grow myself? If I were to paint a picture of the kind of happiness I aspire to, it would be a writing career that supports me beyond mere existence, but allows me to enjoy life and help others around me; and the time to just volunteer to the sexual assault center and the hospice program. Both were some of the most rewarding experiences of my life in so many ways, I grew so much during those moments with those people.

So starting today, right now in this very moment I am in, I am going to commit to positive energy and thoughts. Every day I am going to journal about my day, about the blessings I received in that day. I’m not going to get caught up in writing sadness or weariness, because I am stronger than that now, I know too much to go backwards anymore. So onward I go...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cry if You Need To:


Drake said it; “Cry if you need to but I can’t stay to watch you, it’s the wrong thing to do; touch if you need to but I can’t stay to hold you, it’s the wrong thing to do; talk if you need to, but I can’t stay to listen it’s the wrong thing to do;cuz you’ll say you love me and I’ll end up lying an’ say I love you too, ‘cuz I need someone different….”


It’s in a moment when you look at someone, either someone you’re trying to be with and build something with, or someone that you have been with for awhile already, and you realize that you might have just taken a wrong turn. Here I suppose, is where I get a little cloudy in my thinking because it’s hard to label something as “wrong” and still believe that everything happens for a reason in life; so is it wrong, or is it just that light has been shed and vision becomes clear and we see that something has either run its course or really doesn’t have a course to be run at all? The things that make us go hmmmm.


Men talk endlessly about how women claim to want honesty, open communication, REALNESS, but that we can’t handle it when we get it; and for some perhaps that’s a true enough statement, but what about the rest of us? What about those women that can and do want and willingly participate in open communication, honest talk and realness, but we meet resistance from the very same men who tell us that WE cannot handle real, WE cannot handle honest talk; where indeed do we go from there? Is this why being “single” has become such an epidemic today? People are more focused on careers and money than on love and togetherness; yes, the ugly truth is that chasing money and staying single just fits right in with our fast and easy kinda living these days, doesn’t it?  It’s so much simpler to make a phone call when a “need” arises and for a moment we find release in some form or another, be it drugs, alcohol, food or sex, we find our fix and then we go on about our business. Easy, right?  The honest answer here is that for some, maybe even many, this is precisely much more simplified and clean cut than trying to love and be in relationships, because those can get messy and unorganized, people are fickle and inconsistent, which usually always leads to someone getting their feelings hurt or being let down.


We tell each other to just be honest baby, don’t lie to me just to spare my feelings, but in that one moment when you look at the person sitting next to you and realize that you don’t want them there, being honest and real takes on a whole new dynamic; because no matter how much we want to believe in the power of truth, it won’t matter because someone is about to get let down and hurt regardless and we will not be able to see the beauty in being real and honest, until the smoke clears and we come back to ourselves. Is it truly any wonder that people avoid relationships to just have that friend with benefits who will come over and leave with no questions, no hassles, no quarrels, just a shared moment of gratification and then the flow of life picks up right where you left it; I think not. I’m tired of playing the game, tired of getting to the red zone and settling for 3 when what I really want is the touchdown, I want the whole 7, not 4 less. And I am even more worn on hearing men rant about how women can’t handle this, and won’t handle that…today I’m just tired of it all, because the reality is that men are just as big of bitches, just as whiny, just as needy and just as fucking immature as those they point out, and are incapable of dealing with the truth even when it’s wrapped up and handed to them gently. The dating game is brutal shit today. When you come to me and tell me that you want real, and you want honest, how can you be angry with me when I give you precisely what you asked me to deliver? Would you rather I stay in your life and keep you in mine because it’s easier than being honest and risk hurting your feelings for a minute, or would you rather I tell you where we stand and let go so that you can move on and neither of wastes more of our precious time? At some point people, you have to grasp the concept that you cannot realistically have your cake AND eat it too; at least not in the real world.


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Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Gold Xperience: Trent Shelton

The Gold Xperience: Trent Shelton: I stumbled upon this young man on facebook one day when I clicked on one of his videos. I was moved by his heartfelt message and I looked ...

Trent Shelton

I stumbled upon this young man on facebook one day when I clicked on one of his videos. I was moved by his heartfelt message and I looked further and found more videos with beautiful messages of strength and dream catching. This morning, I listened to his message about a "champion Mindset" and it occurred to me that I don't practice that champion mindset everyday, and that without it, I will struggle and remain in place instead of propelling forward, so I wanted to share this video today because it's worth spreading the message. Enjoy, and as Trent says; "It's rehab Time"
Let's get our Minds right!
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Sunday, March 10, 2013

When life hands you .....

...Shit; shovel it!

Okay, I realize that is not the most proper way to begin this, but you do know who you're talking to, right? I just don't really like lemonade or tequila so the whole "when life hands you lemons, grab tequila!" saying doesnt really apply...shoveling shit however, I can relate to that! But let me stop-

Over a week ago my car broke down, you know, just when I was getting stuff figured out financially and seeing that there is truly a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel, BAM!! I'm not going to sit here and dwell on the 100 levels of messed up that my car is in right now, but I am going to dwell on the man who has once again come to my side and not left me; aside from my Ever loving Higher Power....the truest, realest man in my life, my best friend from way back.

I've been stuck in self pity, frustration,  & just over all bad attitude over all of this instead of seeing what is so clear in front of me; it could be so much worse first and foremost, but add to that, that I have not been abandoned or left to just deal with all this alone, he has once again come through from miles away to make sure that I am okay and back on the road in my own car, (because Im sure he would like his other car back as well. :) )
Not only has he spent tireless hours under the hood of this ailing vehicle, he keeps a positive attitude, smiles and laughs and tells me over and over that this is what friends are for. I guess I wouldnt know because I have never had as devoted a friend as this one, so it's all still a learning process to me. I had to take a moment to step back and breathe and realize that I'm alright, everything is alright, this is a speedbump and I just forgot to slow down and hit it too hard, so now I have to recover and get back on the right track.  I am a blessed woman and I am so aware of it most days, but i realized today how easy it is to see those blessings when the struggles are far away, the true test of our character comes in times of adversity, and I am not very proud of my character right now, but I am changing it even as I type this. Everything is going to be alright.

There are alot of good people in my life, don't get it twisted, and the real ones who offer emotional support etc mean just as much to me, so I don't mean to leave people out in the cold.  I would like to believe that you all know who you are without saying.

Have a great Sunday!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Stress- The Killer

Stress is a beast waiting to strike, to cripple, to kill...will you let it?

How sad is it that I am so miserable at my job that I have to sit and drink "stress relief, anxiety calming" tea before I go? Ugh.
I looked in the mirror this morning and saw it on my face too which really pissed me off. I understand I am getting older, I understand that since I'm not rich, I'll have to live with my wrinkles and less than perfect skin, but damn! The daily grind of life and struggle and survival is taking a serious toll on me; I havent slept right all week, been waking up with anxiety in the middle of the night, my stomach isn't right....what the hell is going on?

The worst and best part is that I know it's a matter of self perception; this is all as bad as I imagine it to be, or it's as tolerable as I can imagine it to be, so what is so hard about just choosing positive energy over the misery? Where is my "go with the flow" ability right now? That bitch walked out the door with my patience, (the very little I had to begin with) and my sanity!  :(

Lord, please help me to rise up and shine the way you created me to, please help me to be kind and patient even to those who I feel like are testing me at every turn; I know that this is just a moment I am in, and that it too shall pass, and I know that you would never put more on me than I can handle, I just wish you didn't have so much faith in me sometimes ;)

Overcome, Rise, Renew, Rejoice!~ Peace!


Friday, March 8, 2013

Star Quality- A Mother's Love

A mother's love is like no other, deep and true, lasting and enduring...

Our children will break our hearts, there is just no way around it; they will bring us to our knee's even, but yet our love for them endures.
I have two Star quality children, who really aren't children anymore, they are full fledged adults navigating their way through this crazy world we live in.
My son is married and beginning down a path that revolves around his wife and their home and future; my beautiful taurus child is in college learning to be an EMT. I realized the grandness of that last night as I was looking at a picture of her on facebook from class yesterday while they were practicing ambulance drills. She is amazing and strong and so full of life!

It's lovely to be witness to her growth as a young woman in this world, although I admit that sometimes her fearlessness and her adventurous spirit give me reason to shudder here and there. She is so much more than I was at 19 (soon to be 20, she would want me to make sure I added that ), she is so much braver and so much bolder than I was, and for those things I am grateful everyday. She is a young woman I respect and admire in a million ways, not just because I am her Mom and I am proud of her, but because she inspires me to be brave in my own life and I don't even think she knows that.

It's that dreaded time of day when I have to make my way into the corporate world and earn my keep, so have a great day folks and hug your kids today!