Sunday, March 10, 2013

When life hands you .....

...Shit; shovel it!

Okay, I realize that is not the most proper way to begin this, but you do know who you're talking to, right? I just don't really like lemonade or tequila so the whole "when life hands you lemons, grab tequila!" saying doesnt really apply...shoveling shit however, I can relate to that! But let me stop-

Over a week ago my car broke down, you know, just when I was getting stuff figured out financially and seeing that there is truly a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel, BAM!! I'm not going to sit here and dwell on the 100 levels of messed up that my car is in right now, but I am going to dwell on the man who has once again come to my side and not left me; aside from my Ever loving Higher Power....the truest, realest man in my life, my best friend from way back.

I've been stuck in self pity, frustration,  & just over all bad attitude over all of this instead of seeing what is so clear in front of me; it could be so much worse first and foremost, but add to that, that I have not been abandoned or left to just deal with all this alone, he has once again come through from miles away to make sure that I am okay and back on the road in my own car, (because Im sure he would like his other car back as well. :) )
Not only has he spent tireless hours under the hood of this ailing vehicle, he keeps a positive attitude, smiles and laughs and tells me over and over that this is what friends are for. I guess I wouldnt know because I have never had as devoted a friend as this one, so it's all still a learning process to me. I had to take a moment to step back and breathe and realize that I'm alright, everything is alright, this is a speedbump and I just forgot to slow down and hit it too hard, so now I have to recover and get back on the right track.  I am a blessed woman and I am so aware of it most days, but i realized today how easy it is to see those blessings when the struggles are far away, the true test of our character comes in times of adversity, and I am not very proud of my character right now, but I am changing it even as I type this. Everything is going to be alright.

There are alot of good people in my life, don't get it twisted, and the real ones who offer emotional support etc mean just as much to me, so I don't mean to leave people out in the cold.  I would like to believe that you all know who you are without saying.

Have a great Sunday!

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