A Father’s Love-
I visited a friend today and sat and drank coffee and had conversation,
and as
is par for he and I, we visited a number of topics and I found
myself dealing with a flurry of emotions as we did. I have been so blessed by
him and his children in my life, and I thank God everyday for them because they
don’t even know how much light and love they shine into darkness at times for
me. He has been the picture of God’s love in a human being, his very spirit
radiates such goodness that I find myself in awe at times, and I was reminded
today that his genuine friendship heals something in me when the seas of life
get wild and out of control. I don’t have to wear masks or hide my truths, I am
allowed to simply be who I am, in all of my glory and in my gloom, it matters not,
they love me regardless.
I spoke about my passion to him today, my writing, and I
heard myself talking about my father who is passed, a man who also loved to
write and before I could capture them, tears welled up in my eyes and I
couldn’t speak for a moment. As true friends do, we sat silently at the table
for a minute; he understood that I didn’t want or need any sympathy and I
didn’t need him to tell me not to cry or feel what I felt; I needed exactly
what he offered; silent love and support from inside, there was no need to
speak it.
My father and I share a love of water and written word, and
as I understand it, our very natures seem to be closely intertwined…I’m proud
of the man my father was to those around him and the love and lasting impact he
left with them; but I still have days when the emptiness hits me like a truck
full of lead; that place where he was supposed to be in my life and I find
myself wishing he would have fought to keep his place intact in my life; this
is not ever to say that the man I call Dad was not good enough or that he
didn’t love me, because I know and have always known that he loves me very
much, even when I’m not easy to love, he has never allowed me to get too far
from him emotionally and I have appreciated that in him a million times over.
But as a girl, and now a grown woman, I always felt the space where my father
should have been.
As I watched my friend and his little girl today, I realized
how much pain dwells inside of me, how much sadness exists because I never felt
that kind of protection and nurturing as a little girl. I sat there watching
them today; so thankful for him and for the way he loves his children because
as I watched her be comforted and her tears kissed away; it was so clear to me
that as she grows into a young woman in this world, she will look for the same
qualities in a partner, that she will have high standards for a man, because
she is being raised by such a quality Man. He is setting the bar high for the
next man who enters into her world, and one day she will understand it all so
well and be grateful.
There is a picture in my minds eye that comes back to me
over and over again where I see my father and I sitting on a beach watching a
beautiful sunset, sharing poetry or stories we have written, I imagine him
giving me advice and offering guidance with my own writing, I imagine him
sitting close enough to me that I can lay my head on his shoulder and feel
sheltered from the brutal storms of life while I gather the strength to go back
out and keep fighting the good fight; and the truth is, it hurts like hell
because I wont ever do that, I will never get that; at least not here in this

A voice inside me tells me that he would have “gotten” me,
he would have understood me because he is me, and I am him in so many ways that
truly matter to me. I never felt like I “fit” anywhere, I didn’t and don’t feel
understood by my parents; I don’t blame them for that, but I recognize it and
have to accept that it just is what it is, they love me as they are able to,
with the tools that they have. It is no longer their job to tend to the child
in me, it is my job to nurture her and make sure she is alright now; it’s my
job to heal that little girl where she is hurting and make her whole. This is
not about blame, it’s about awareness. I have open wounds that have never
healed, just slightly scabbed over and then experiences come along and scratch
them off sometimes, leaving open sores that bleed and hurt. In all honesty, I’m
not sure I know how to make them better.
(to be continued..)
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